имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых
Гуманитарный институтАбитуриентуFor entrants

Dear university entrants!

Humanitarian Institute of Vladimir State University provides training of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the field of the Humanities, combining academic traditions and modern educational technologies. Humanitarian Institute arranges and conducts fundamental and applied research. It promotes international exchange in educational and scientific spheres.

Many of our graduates occupied positions in state, public and business structures of the region, the country and abroad. Аnd after graduating the university you can be engaged in research activities.

 Humanitarian Institute invites you to receive higher education in the Humanities in the following direction of training:

47.03.01 Philosophy (the chair of  Philosophy and Religious studies)

42.03.01 Journalism (the chair Journalism, advertising and public relations)

42.03.01 Advertising and public relations (the chair of  Journalism, advertising and public relations)

41.03.05 International relations (the chair of history, archaeology and local history)

45.03.02 Linguistics (the chair of Foreign languages for professional communication)

39.03.01 Sociology (the chair of sociology)

37.03.01 Psychology (the chair of Personality psychology and social pedagogy)

44.03.03 Special (defectological) education (the chair of Personality psychology and social pedagogy)

46.03.01 History (the chair of history, archaeology and local history)

51.03.01 Culturology (the chair of history, archaeology and local history)

51.03.04 Museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage sites (the chair of history, archaeology and local history)