имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых
Гуманитарный институтКафедрыКафедра психологии личности и специальной педагогикиENGLISH

Department of Psychology

Since 2000 the Psychology department has been training Bachelors and Specialists in clinical psychology at full-time and correspondence basis. At present the teaching staff of the department include 1 Doctor of Psychology, Professor, 5 Candidates of Psychology, Associate Professors, 2 Candidates of Pedagogics, Associate Professors and 1 Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor. Psychological scientific Centre «Psychology» and Consultation Centre «UNISON», rendering psychological assistance to legal and natural persons are successfully functioning at the Department.


Training of highly qualified specialists is carried out at the Post-Graduate Course in the area 19.00.07 – pedagogical Psychology.


Research at the Psychology department is carried out in the following priority areas: methods of diagnostics and protection of individuals psychological health; cross-cultural investigations of achmeological aspects of business activities; development of joint programmes of training highly qualified specialists in priority areas of science, technology and engineering based on science integrated university structures using the potential of leading institutions and participation of business communities; realization of study patterns incorporating some stages of students training in different majors into one general process with the aim to integrate academic process into specific units with universal educational modules that provide academic mobility (the second section).



Themes of Research at the Department are presented in the following table:


Name of the theme


Development and implementation of the programme of psychological assistance to the sportsmen of «Beam» sportsclub. 


Development of psychological readiness of sportsmen of «Beam» sportsclub for competitions according to the programme «Forming the ways of psychological self-regulation».


Socio-psychological portrait of a student of the Vladimir State University with the view to rendering psychological assistance during the course of studies.


Psychological and pedagogical assistance of vocational self-determination of pupils of 7-11 forms.


Development of the programme of diagnostics and prediction of students psychological health. 


Development, approval and introduction of effective express-methods and diagnostics and prediction of students psychological health (jointly with the departments of sociology and biomedical engineering).


Utilization of printing units to protect business.


Staff development courses on the programme «Problems of clinical psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry. Methods of diagnostics in clinic practice».


Development of work book «Modern methods of diagnostics of professional qualification of the higher school faculty members in methods of teaching at Higher educational astablishment».


Development of academic and methodological teaching materials: Practicum «Modern methods of psychological diagnostics».


Carrying out psychodiagnostic research using printing facilities of public limited company «Sphere-Vladimir»